Peaceful Hearts Holistic Foundation, Inc. values individualized care. We recognize each client has different needs, beliefs, and interests. Therefore, in order to provide the most comprehensive care possible, we offer a wide variety of holistic services.

Our Services

    • Access Bars Therapy

      Access Bars Therapy

      Access Bars Therapy is a gentle hands-on technique where 32 points on a person’s head are gently touched to release limiting thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, promote mental clarity, motivation, and relaxation, and improve anxiety and depression.

    • Acupuncture


      Acupuncture is a complementary practice where small needles are inserted into a person’s skin to help balance energy. Acupuncture restores balance to both the mind and body, decreases pain, anxiety, and fatigue, and supports physical and emotional health.

    • Animal Assisted Therapy

      Animal Assisted Therapy

      Animal Assisted Therapy is an intervention that incorporates animals such as cats, dogs, horses, and birds into a person’s plan of care. Animal Assisted Therapy improves motor skills and joint movement, verbal communication and self-esteem, and decreases anxiety and depression.

    • Aromatherapy


      Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural oils, which are extracted from bark, flowers, leaves, stems, roots or other parts of a plant, to improve physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

    • Art Exploration

      Art Exploration

      Art Exploration is a method of self-expression using art to decrease anxiety and depression, relieve stress, and improve self-esteem and self-awareness.

    • Bach Flower Remedies

      Bach Flower Remedies

      Bach Flower Remedies use wildflowers, plants, or trees to support a person’s personality and emotional well-being. Each flower essence corresponds to a specific emotion and promotes overall health.

    • Body Memory Recall

      Body Memory Recall

      Body Memory Recall is a hands-on technique that supports the body in facilitating the release of accumulated stress, tension, and memory from past experiences, while also treating myofascial, structural, and energetic restrictions

    • Child Life Specialist

      Child Life Specialist

      A Child Life Specialist is a healthcare provider who helps children and families process stressful situations by focusing on their mental, emotional, and social needs. Child Life Specialists advocate for children and families by using age-appropriate activities to assist children in understanding medical diagnoses, the grief process, and developing healthy coping strategies.

    • Chiropractic Care

      Chiropractic Care

      Chiropractic Care is the practice of performing adjustments (manipulations) to the spine or other parts of the body. By correcting alignment issues, a person’s natural ability to heal is supported and pain is reduced.

    • Craniosacral Therapy

      Craniosacral Therapy

      Craniosacral Therapy is a hands-on technique that uses gentle touch to manipulate the cranium, spine, and pelvis to relieve restrictions in the craniosacral system. This process decreases pain and anxiety and improves the functioning of the central nervous system.

    • Emotion Code/Body Code

      Emotion Code/Body Code

      Emotion Code/Body Code is an energy balancing system that is utilized to discover the root cause of numerous symptoms, such as pain, anxiety, and distress.

    • Emotional Freedom Technique

      Emotional Freedom Technique

      Emotional Freedom Technique is a gentle method developed to assist people in letting go of negative thoughts, memories, and emotions. This technique releases unwanted feelings and limiting beliefs by tapping on acupressure meridians and repeating statements, allowing new, positive beliefs to emerge.

    • Healing Touch

      Healing Touch

      Healing Touch is a gentle and non-invasive form of energy therapy that utilizes soft, intentional touch to promote wellness by balancing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual layers in a person’s biofield.

    • Herbalism


      Herbalism is the practice of using herbs to treat symptoms and prevent illness based on clinical experience and traditional knowledge of medicinal plant remedies collected over thousands of years. Herbs can decrease anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, depression, insomnia, and promote health.

    • Homeopathy


      Homeopathy is the practice of medicine that embraces a holistic approach, where minute doses of natural substances are used to treat the whole person and stimulate the person’s own healing power.

    • Massage Therapy

      Massage Therapy

      Massage Therapy provides a sense of compassion and can help medically stabilize a person. Massage Therapists manipulate the soft tissues of a person’s body by using different movements and pressure.

    • Meditation


      Meditation is a mind and body practice that promotes relaxation and calmness, reduces anxiety, depression, and physical discomfort, and increases awareness of the present moment.

    • Music Therapy

      Music Therapy

      Music Therapy is an evidence-based, clinical use of music that assists in supporting a person physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and socially.

    • Myofascial Release

      Myofascial Release

      Myofascial Release is a hands-on technique that focuses on reducing pain by releasing tightness in a person’s myofascial tissue. Myofascial Release focuses on reducing pain by easing the tension in “trigger points”, which are responsible for a person’s pain.

    • Myotherapy


      Myotherapy is a hands-on technique that relieves muscle spasms and increases circulation by applying pressure on trigger points throughout the body. Relieving tension and stretching muscles promotes healing and reduces pain.

    • Nutritionist


      A nutritionist is a person who educates people on how to apply principles of nutrition to promote healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.

    • Pendulum Energy Healing

      Pendulum Energy Healing

      Pendulum Energy Healing is a method to help loved ones transition with grace by using energy commands focusing on releasing emotional traumas, harmonizing relationships, increasing love, and helping consciousness to exit the body peacefully while bringing peace to the soul.

    • Polarity


      Polarity is an energy therapy that can decrease stress, pain, and some disease symptoms by influencing a person’s positive and negative energy flow. Polarity improves fatigue and decreases anxiety, depression, and pain.

    • Psych-K


      Psych-K is a non-invasive process developed from neuroscience research that facilitates a change at a person’s subconscious level, changing beliefs that are self-limiting and self-sabotaging.

    • Reflexology


      Reflexology is a type of bodywork where pressure is applied to areas on a person’s feet or hands that correspond to organs in a person’s body. Reflexology reduces stress and pain and promotes relaxation, sleep, and healing in those areas of the body.

    • Reiki


      Reiki is an energy therapy technique that originates from Japanese culture. Reiki is based on the idea that if a person’s life force energy is low, the person is more likely to feel unwell, and if a person’s life force energy is high, the person is more likely to be happy and healthy.

    • ReTensioning


      ReTensioning is a form of bodywork that improves movement and function. Gentle anatomic, neurologic, and physiologic techniques are applied to each joint in a person’s body, restoring the balance between rest and activity at a cellular level.

    • Sound Healing

      Sound Healing

      Sound Healing is a practice that uses vibrations from crystal bowls, tuning forks, gongs, and binaural beats to promote deep relaxation and to improve a person’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

    • Yoga


      Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body utilizing breathing exercises, poses, and meditation to reduce stress and inflammation, improve strength, flexibility, balance, joint health, self-confidence, and calmness.

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

~ Hippocrates